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iOS Admob Custom Access

Supported Advertising Formats

  • Banner
  • Native
  • Interstitial
  • Rewarded Video

SDK Versions

  • Admob SDK Version: v11.11.0+
  • TradPlus SDK Version:v12.5.0+

Admob Adapter intergration steps

Step 1. AdMob Backend Configuration

  1. Sign in to the AdMob backend. Select in sequence: Mediation - Waterfall Sources - Set up ad source, and then add custom event.

  2. Add custom ad source related information

    • Mapping name: You can customize the name
    • Class NameAdmobCMediationEventAdapter
    • Parameter (TradPlus ad unit information): {"appid":"from TradPlus","pid":"from TradPlus"}

  3. Do the settings based on your needs

Step 2. Enable the AdMob mediation group

  1. Select “Mediation---Mediation groups”

  2. Choose a mediation group, and adding custom event

    • Choose the previously created custom event

    • Now, custom event has been added in Waterfall, then save it

Testing Recommendation:: During testing, you can change the default AdMob Network bidding to waterfall and set eCPM to 0.01. This ensures that the custom event is prioritized for loading, making testing more convenient.

Step 3. Integrate the adapter into the project

  1. Integrate iOS TradPlusSDK (TradPlus iOS SDK Download & Documentation).

Note: Do not Choose any advertising platforms,generate access code directly

Recommend TradPlus version:V12.9.0

  1. Then, integrate AdmobCMediationEventAdapter.framework into the Xcode project Download AdmobCMediationEventAdapter.framework

Note: The Custom Adapter is unable to obtain the CCPA setting status via the AdMob Aggregated API, so you should set CCPA through the TradPlus SDK, like the API method below.

#import <TradPlusAds/TradPlus.h>
// NO: refuse to report the data
// YES: agree to report the data
[TradPlus setCCPADoNotSell:bool];