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1. Create an ironSource account

1.1 Register ironSource

1.2 Log in ironSource

2. Create ironSource Apps and Ad units

1)In Monetization, click “Add New APP” to create an app.

2)In the Monetization - SETUP - Ad Units & Placement screen, select the corresponding app and unit type and click “New Instance”.

Please talk to ironSource staff to ensure that the ironSource Network is live before creating an Instance.

Expected results

3. Configure ironSource Ad units on TradPlus VisiM

1)In the backend of ironSourcehout, in Monetize - Ad units & Placements, search and select the corresponding app to get the APP key.

2)Go to the corresponding Ad unit page and get the Instance Id.

Be sure to turn the Bidding feature off, i.e. click Inactive. and the Instance ID is the Instance ID in the list, not the Instance ID for Bidding.

3)In TradPlus Backend - App Management, select the apps and units that need to use ironSource, click Add Ad source, fill in the App Key and Instance Id.

4. Enable ironSource's Report API Reporting

1)In ironSourcehou backend, My account - API page, get the secret key and refresh token.

2)In TradPlus backend - Networks - Authorized Networks, select ironSource, fill in Secret key and Refresh Token.

Expected Results

In the TradPlus Backend - Networks, ironSource shows “Authorized”.

5. Floor Price Setting

  • You need to find ironSource AM to turn on the reserve price permission.

  • You can set the reserve price when you create an Instance Id, or when you edit an Ad unit.

6. Test Ads

1)Under the corresponding application, turn on Test Mode Acitve to test.

2)Before launching the app, please turn off the test mode, change the status of the test module to “Test Mode Inacitve”, and switch the Ad unit to Active in order to realize the revenue.

7. FAQs

Q:Where is the ironSource Help Center?


Q:How do I submit a work order to ironSource?

A:Go to the Help Center, find the location in the picture, and submit a work order to ironSource.

Q:What kind of problems can be submitted to Networks?

A: Including, but not limited to, account, settlement and other Networks' Ad business issues, Networks' SDK issues, and Networks' backend issues.