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1. Create a ReklamUp account

Register/Log in ReklamUp account

Contact your TradPlus AM to open a ReklamUp account.

Only products that are realized on Admob and AdManager platforms can use the ReklamUp platform.

2. Create ReklamUp apps and ad units

  • Contact your ReklamUp AM to create apps and ad units, developers don't need to manually create apps in the ReklamUp backend.

3. Configure ReklamUp ad units in the TradPlus backend

1)In TradPlus Backend - App Management, select the apps and ad units that need to use ReklamUp and click Add Ad source.

2)Ad source select ReklamUp and fill in the Ad Unit Ad Unit ID.

4. Enable ReklamUp's Report API Reporting

1)Login to ReklamUp backend to check API and other information. Menu Path: Admin-API Mangement, click [New V3API], name the API name.

2)Copy API Key and API Secret

3)In the TradPlus backend - Ad Networks - Authorized Networks, select ReklamUp and enter the Api Key and API Secret.

5. Floor Price Setting

-Please contact ReklamUp AM to set a floor price

6. Test Ads

  • Please contact ReklamUp for a test ID.