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Android AdMob Custom Adapter

Supported Ad Formats

  • Banner
  • Native: TradPlus only supports configuring self-rendering
  • Interstitial
  • Rewarded Video

SDK Versions

  • AdMob SDK Version: v23.5.0
  • TradPlus SDK Version: v12.9.0+

Google Backend Configuration


Before configuration, ensure that you have already added the app to the Google AdMob backend and successfully created the ad unit.

Mediation Page

  1. Choose the Waterfall Sources tab and click Manage mappings in the current app.

  1. Select the ad unit ID and add the corresponding types for the custom platform.
    • Example: Select Banner, click Add mapping to add parameters, then save it after completion.
  2. Mapping details:
    • Mapping name: TPMediation (You can customize the name)
    • Class Name: (Cannot be modified)
    • Parameter: { "appid": "The App ID you created on TradPlus", "pid": "The ad unit ID you configured on TradPlus" } (Parameters from Google servers)

Mediation Groups

  1. Choose the Mediation groups tab and click Create mediation group.

  1. Select Ad format and Platform, then click Continue.
  2. Fill in the name (the "Mapping name" you provided earlier).

  1. Click on the Ad units tab, then click Add ad units and select the ad unit ID you created.

  1. In Waterfall, click Add Custom event, fill in TPMediation in the Label, set the cost per thousand impressions (eCPM), and click Continue.

    • Testing Suggestion: During testing, set a high eCPM for TPMediation and a low eCPM for AdMob Network to prioritize TPMediation ads. After testing, adjust pricing to normal levels.

SDK Integration

Dependency Libraries

Add the Maven Central repository in both the buildscript and allprojects sections of your project-level build.gradle file:

buildscript {
repositories {

allprojects {
repositories {

Add Dependencies

Add the dependencies for TP SDK & TPMediation SDK to your module's app-level Gradle file:

// TradPlus
implementation 'com.tradplusad:tradplus:'

//noinspection GradleCompatible
implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.0-alpha02'

// TP Exchange
implementation ''
implementation 'com.tradplusad:tp_exchange:'

implementation(name: "customsdk_ads_1.0.0", ext: 'aar')

Download google_mediation_1.0.0.aar

Obfuscation Configuration

After enabling obfuscation, add the following rules to the file:

-keep public class com.tradplus.** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** {*;}

Shrink Resources

Advertising SDK resources cannot be obfuscated. If using a third-party resource shrinking framework, exclude the SDK's resources by adding them to the whitelist:


Advertising Initialization

AdMob supports automatically initializing other ad SDKs, so there is no need for separate initialization at the device level.

Ad Loading and Rendering

For ad requests and display instructions, refer to the official AdMob documentation: AdMob Banner Ads.

Testing and Verification

Testing should be conducted using TradPlus test mode: TradPlus SDK Test Mode

Supported test ad types:

Native AdsRewarded Video and Interstitial AdsBanner Ads