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Overview report combines TradPlus and third-party ad data, offering 50+ metrics like ARPU, impressions, bidding, requests, readiness, clicks, and revenue for analysis and troubleshooting.

一、Data types

Data typeExplanationAcquisition methodInstruction
API DataTradPlus pulls data from each Ad network via API. Data metrics with an API suffix in the report are third-party data.Ad network data authorization in the TradPlus VisiM.You can find the instructions here:Ad Platform Configuration GuideAPI data has better accuracy than TP data, but some Ad networks have slower API data returns or incomplete metrics data.
TP DataTradPlus SDK statisticsAccess to TradPlus SDK

二、Data update times

Click the location as shown in the figure to check the data update time of the report.


If in doubt about the terminology in the interface, see:Definition of Nouns


As shown below, the overview page is divided into the following areas:

**1. Report Setting Area:**Support for customizing reports and setting up periodic reports;

**2. Screening Area:**By clicking the [Filter] in the upper right corner, you can control the display hiding and sorting of filter items;

**3. Data Chart Area:**Present data fluctuation in the form of line graph, support switching to view more than 50 kinds of data indicators, also support switching to view different dimensions (e.g. Apps, Ad Units, AD Sources, Ad Formats, etc.)

**4. Data sheet Area:**Presenting data in a tabular format, also supports viewing multiple metrics in multiple dimensions, as well as customizing metrics templates and exporting reports.

1. Report Setting Area


  • Add new report
  • Save the report after modifying the parameters
  • Select the starred report to the right of the report name
  • Options on the right side of the report are Save as Report, Delete Report.

2)Set periodic reports:

After setting up the periodic report, the system will send the data form in .crv format to the specified recipient's email address periodically according to the settings.

2.Custom Filter

By clicking the [Custom Filter] on the right, you can control the display of the filter items to hide and sort them.You can find the instructions here:Basic noun

In the Filter item, after checking Enable Date Comparison, you can see the data comparison in the data chart area and data list area.

3. Data Chart Area

Present data fluctuation in the form of line graph, support switching to view more than 50 kinds of data indicators, also support switching to view different dimensions (such as app, ad unit, ad source, ad format, etc.)You can find the instructions here:Data indicators

4. Data sheet area

Presenting data in a tabular manner, it also supports viewing multiple metrics in multiple dimensions, as well as customizing metrics templates and exporting reports.

四、Best Practices

4.1 Analyze data using data chart comparison and filtering functions

When a decline in an indicator is observed and further data analysis is required, the filtering and comparison functions of the data chart can be used.

Such as when a drop in ARPU is observed for a particular app:

  • The comparison function of the data chart can be utilized first to troubleshoot whether the ARPU drop is from impressions per capita or eCPM.

  • After eliminating IMP, you can further investigate the reasons for the decline in eCPM. You can filter “Unit ID”, “Ad sources”, “Networks” and “Regions” on the right side of the chart, and then locate the fluctuation of resources of a certain Ad network in a certain region, which leads to the decline of eCPM.

4.2 Improve the efficiency of daily data analysis with custom report functions

When multiple applications exist under the developer account, but only some new or key products need to monitor data on a daily basis, customized reports can be used to improve the efficiency of data analysis.

  • For example, if you need to monitor the data of a product in the Ad dimension on a daily basis, you can filter the application, check the “Unit ID” , and click “Save As”.

  • Click [Default Report] on the top left of the page and select the new customized report in the drop-down menu.


Q:Why there is no data in the overview in the TradPlus backend?

A:Please check yourself that the following factors are correct:

1)Please confirm that the data is available on the ad networks

  • If there is no data , please confirm whether the app is online and whether there is any error in accessing the SDK.;

  • If there is data on the network, please continue to check 2).

2)Please make sure the authorization in [Networks] in TradPlus VisiM is effective.

  • If it has not taken effect, please fill in the information correctly and complete the authorization;

  • If it has taken effect, please make sure that the filled authorization information is the authorization information of the app and the account, if the information is correct, please continue to check 3).

  • Please make sure that the [App ID] and [Unit ID] in [App Management] in TradPlus VisiM are correct.

  • If your app has accessed some of the domestic Networks and cannot obtain data authorization from the three parties, you need to upload the data of the three parties manually. If you have already uploaded the data, please check whether the uploaded data meets the requirements.You can find the instructions here:Advanced Settings-Upload Network Report

Q:Unable to request the API key for Ad Networks, but want to see this data in the TradPlus VisiM?

A:Data can be downloaded from the Ad Networks and imported into the TradPlus VisiM.You can find the instructions here:Advanced Settings-Upload Network Report

Q:Reporting time zones can be switched?

A:You can switch it by clicking on the account in the upper right corner - [My Account] - [Time Zone].

  • Currently supports UTC+8 China Standard Time, UTC+0 Greenwich Mean Time, UTC-8 Pacific Standard Time, and defaults to UTC+8 time.
  • TradPlus buried data and some Networks (Facebook, Unity ads, Applovin and Tapjoy) support switching by time zone, other ad platforms are based on the time zone returned by the API.
  • The time zone function is only available for data from January 1, 2021 onwards.

Q:Which ad Networks Support Switching Time Zones ?

A:You can find the instructions here:List of Networks TradPlus Supports

Q:How long does it take for the report time zone switch to take effect?


  • Switching the data time zone takes effect the next day.

  • Effective in real time after switching the data time zone of the ad networks.

Q:Does TradPlus VisiM support switching currency units?

A:Yes.You can change the currency unit by clicking Account Name - My Account - Edit. (Currently only supports switching between “RMB” and “USD”.)

Q:How DAU is counted in the TradPlus VisiM?

A:TradPlus DAU is based on the number of devices that initialize the TradPlus SDK. If a developer sets the TradPlus SDK to be initialized by only a subset of users, this will affect the accuracy of the DAU statistics.

Q:What is the difference between “App Fill Rate” and “Fill Rate” in the overview?


  • App Fill Rate:Refers to the filling of Ad requests made by an app to the TradPlus SDK, and is a measure of the actual Ad fill rate within the app.

-Fill Rate:Refers to the network fill rate, which is the fill of Ad requests initiated by the TradPlus SDK to the Networks

Q:Why is the “Fill Rate” below 100%?

A:As this fill rate is the summary data of the fill rate of each layer of Ad source, when several layers have set the bottom price resulting in a lower fill rate, the summarized fill rate will be lower than 100%, which is a normal phenomenon.

Q:Why the 'Show Rate' in the overview exceeds 100 percent?

A:Since some Networks do not provide or return fill counts, there will be cases where the number of IMPs is greater than the number of fill counts, resulting in a calculated show rate of more than 100 percent。

  • Show Rate:Show Rate = ( IMP / Ad Source Fill ) * 100%。
  • Ad Networks that do not provide or return fill counts:Unity、Vungle、Applovin、Mopub、Pangle、MyTarget、穿山甲CSJ、Kuaishou、Sigmob。

Q:Why Meta's API data, which pulls impressions but not revenue and eCPM data?

A:As per Meta's requirements, aggregation can only pull revenue and eCPM data if Meta's individual Unit ID meets 100 impressions in a single day in a single country.