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1. Functions

User Lifetime Value (LTV) analyzes the ad revenue brought by new users, allowing for adjustments to UA strategies based on it.

2. Usage guides

2.1 Instructions

2.1.1 Data metrics

Revnue APIEstimated revenue retrieved from ad network's reporting API.
RevenueEstimated revenue retrieved by TradPlus.
ImpressionNumber of impressions recorded by TradPlus.

2.2.2 Data filters

APPApps created on TradPlus by developers need ad monetization.
CountryThe country where your app is published as detected by TradPlus SDK. E.g. China, USA, UK.
Ad formatsFormats of Ads already used by developers, e.g. rewarded ads, splash ads, etc.
Ad UnitsAd units created on TradPlus by developers. SDK gets ad config & loads ads through it.
App VersionApp version defined by the developer.
UA ChannelsChannel information is uploaded to TradPlus by the app.

2.2 Procedures


2)Click on the filter item and select the desired filter in the pop-up drop-down menu, or select the summary data by default.

3)Click on the [Revenue API], [Revenue], and [Impression] tabs in the upper left corner of the chart to toggle through the revenue and impression data for the LTV.

4)Reports Export:Click the icon in the upper right corner of the detailed data report and select [Export] to export the report.

3. FAQs

Q:What is the maximum number of days an LTV report can count?

A:90 days.

Q:How is LTV calculated?
