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In-stream Video Ad

1、Integration Reference

TP versionillustrate
V9.3.0.1Support Vast (Google Ad Manager interstitial ads)
V9.9.0.1Optimize the callback mechanism. You will receive a loaded callback only after calling loadAd() once.
V10.1.0.1Support Adx insertion.
V10.3.0.1Support VMAP.
V10.5.0.1Added TPMediaVideo.setIMAEventListener(TPMediaVideoAdapter.OnIMAEventListener listener) to listen to all AdEvent events in VMAP
V12.5.0.1Added new API to support Vast multi-cache.
  • Ads play in a separate video player positioned on top of the app's content video player. Refer to the picture below:
  • Create an ad display container when requesting the ads.


  • It is not recommended to perform ad loading methods in oneLayerLoadFailed and onAdFailed callbacks. For the advertising platform, multiple requests in a short period of time are not easy to be filled, and it will also cause multiple invalid requests and may also cause application lag; if the product logic wants to initiate requests here, the developer needs to control the time interval. and times, such as initiating requests after 10S, 30S, and 60S respectively.
  • 【V10.3.0.1 +】Start to support VMAP of Google IMA
  • Using VMAP requires setting the ContentProgressProvider before loading the advertisement (in compliance with IMA's IMAContentPlayhead protocol)
  • After receiving the AD_BREAK_READY callback of onEvent, the developer manually calls the tpCustomMediaVideoAd.start("") method to play the advertisement.

2、API introduction


TPMediaVideo(Context context, String adUnitId)Create a mid-roll ad object. adUnitId is the advertising slot ID created on the TP platform.
loadAd(ViewGroup container,TPVideoAdPlayer tpVideoAdPlayer)Request an ad.
container Pass in the container required to display ads. It is required and cannot be null. It is recommended to use RelativeLayout to facilitate the control of video playback in the center.
TPVideoAdPlayer is an interface class adapted to Adx and IMA and must be passed.
loadAd(Object objectVideo)Request an ad. (supports Vast multi-buffer).
V12.5.0.1 New API.
objectVideo needs to be passed into the listening callback of TPVideoPlayerListener.
setCustomParams(Map<String, Object> map)Custom key-value. Needs to be called before loadAd.
isReady()Check if ads are available. Returned true to indicate that ads are available.
getVideoAd()After the advertisement is loaded successfully, obtain the advertisement cache TPCustomMediaVideoAd.
setAdListener(MediaVideoAdListener listener)Set ad listening callback.
(TPMediaVideoAdapter.OnIMAEventListener listener)
V10.5.0.1 adds callback monitoring. Used when VMAP (multi-map).
Set up the listener through the TpMediaVideo object, and you can get all the AdEvent events in the callback.
Replaced the deprecated listener TPCustomMediaVideoAd.setIMAEventListener().
onDestroy()Destroy and release TPMediaVideod related objects.


  • TPCustomMediaVideoAd is the advertising cache object
pause()Pause after playing.
resume()Continue playing ads after pausing.
start(String adSceneId)Play ads.
adSceneId advertising scene ID, if not used, you can pass null directly.
setCustomShowData(Map<String,Object> customShowData)Custom data, called before displaying ads.
getCustomNetworkObj()Get the IMA advertising object AdsManager.AdsManager adsManager =(AdsManager)tpCustomMediaVideoAd.getCustomNetworkObj();
getAdDisplayContainer()Get the ad display container (supports Vast multi-cache).
V12.5.0.1 adds new API.
getTPAdVideoPlayer()Get the TPAdVideoPlayer passed in when requesting ads (supports Vast multi-cache).
V12.5.0.1 adds new API.
(TPMediaVideoAdapter.OnIMAEventListener listener)
V9.7.10.1 adds a new callback listener (V10.5.0.1+ is obsolete)
Through the listener set by the ad cache object TPCustomMediaVideoAd, all AdEvent events can be obtained in the callback.
onDestroy()Destroy and release IMA related objects.


onAdLoaded(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo)After one loadAd, the ad is loaded successfully.
V9.9.0.1 optimizes the callback mechanism. Only when the developer actively calls load will the corresponding callback be loaded. If no callback is made, there will be no callback.
onAdFailed(TPAdError error)
onAdClicked(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo)The jump button is clicked.
onAdResume(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo)After pausing, the ad continues to play.
onAdPause(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo)After being shown, the ad is paused.
onAdVideoStart(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo)Advertisement starts playing.
onAdVideoEnd(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo)Advertisement ends.
onAdVideoError(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo, TPAdError error)Advertisement failed to play.
onAdSkiped(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo)Jumpable ads, users click to skip.
onAdTapped(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo)The video area is clicked.
onAdProgress(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo, float progress, double totaltime)Playback progress.
progress is the current playback progress and totaltime is the total duration of the advertisement.

Other API

  • Custom key-value: setCustomParams (Map<String, Object>map) configuration
  • Set before requesting advertising loadAd(ViewGroup container,TPVideoAdPlayer tpVideoAdPlayer)API
Parameter keytypeDescription value
ima_ui_countdownintThe UI countdown is displayed by default.
1 is shown; others are hidden.
ima_setting_languageStringCustomize the local language to specify the language used when localizing advertisements and player interface controls.
The supported codes can be found in the Localization guide。For example: "en" sets the local language to English.
ima_load_video_timeoutintCustom timeout.
V9.9.0.1+ supported. Unit: milliseconds.
The default time is 8000 milliseconds.
platform_IDMap<String, String>Parameters are passed by different platforms.

Sample code:

  • Take setting a custom timeout as an example
private int mLoadVideoTimeout = 8000;
Map<String, Object> mLocalExtras = new HashMap<>();
mLocalExtras.put("ima_load_video_timeout", mLoadVideoTimeout);

  • Parameters are passed by different platforms
Map<String, Object> mLocalExtras = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, String> paramsGAM = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> paramsPremiumAds = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> paramsBeesAds = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> paramsMangoX = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Map<String, String>> networkParams = new HashMap<>();

mLocalExtras.put("ima_url_parameters", networkParams);


3、Vast Ads

  • The container for displaying ads needs to be passed in when loading.
  • tpCustomMediaVideoAd.pause() Interstitial advertisements will be paused when the program switches to the background. If you need to switch to the foreground to continue playing advertisements, you can call and methods in the life cycle onPause() and onResume() respectively for tpCustomMediaVideoAd.resume() control.
  • V10.1.0.1 start support Adx MediaVideo.Create a NewVideoAdPlayerAdapter class with the VideoView, and adapt it to IMA's & Adx's VideoAdPlayer interface. This class will handle content and ad playback, and will contain the set of methods that a video player must implement to be used by the IMA SDK.For the specific implementation of NewVideoAdPlayerAdapter, please refer to Demo

Request an Ad

private RelativeLayout mContainer;
private NewVideoAdPlayerAdapter newVideoAdPlayerAdpter;
private TPMediaVideo tpMediaVideo;

tpMediaVideo = new TPMediaVideo(context,"adUnitId created on the TP platform");
tpMediaVideo.setAdListener(new MediaVideoAdListener());
// It is recommended that the container use RelativeLayout to center the advertising videoview.
adContainer = new RelativeLayout(context);

AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) MediaVideoActiviy.this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
VideoView videoView = new VideoView(MediaVideoActiviy.this);
// NewVideoAdPlayerAdapter class created to adapt to the TPVideoAdPlayer interface of Adx and IMA
newVideoAdPlayerAdpter = new VideoAdPlayerAdapter(videoView, audioManager, true);

// Container and NewVideoAdPlayerAdapter are required parameters

Play an ad

tpMediaVideo.setAdListener(new MediaVideoAdListener() {
public void onAdLoaded(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo) {
// After receiving the successful loading callback
boolean ready = tpMediaVideo.isReady();
if (ready) {
Log.i(TAG, "isReady: " + ready);
// Get the ad cache tpCustomMediaVideoAd
tpCustomMediaVideoAd = tpMediaVideo.getVideoAd();

// Display through the ad cache object start()
if (tpCustomMediaVideoAd != null) {

V12.5.0.1+ Added API to support Vast multi-cache

Request an Ad

private RelativeLayout mContainer;
private TPMediaVideo tpMediaVideo;

public void loadMediaVideo() {
tpMediaVideo = new TPMediaVideo(context,"adUnitId created on the TP platform");
tpMediaVideo.setAdListener(new MediaVideoAdListener());

TPVideoPlayerListener tpVideoPlayerListener = new TPVideoPlayerListener() {
public Object getTPVideoPlayer() {
// Multiple caches need to be passed into multiple TPVideoPlayer
return getVideoAdPlayer();

public Object getContentProgressProvider() {
// ContentProgressProvider
return null;


private VideoView videoView;
public TPVideoAdPlayer getVideoAdPlayer() {
AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) MediaVideoActiviy.this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
videoView = new VideoView(MediaVideoActiviy.this);
// NewVideoAdPlayerAdapter class created to adapt to the TPVideoAdPlayer interface of Adx and IMA
VideoAdPlayerAdapter videoAdPlayer = new VideoAdPlayerAdapter(videoView, audioManager, true);

Play an ad

tpMediaVideo.setAdListener(new MediaVideoAdListener() {
public void onAdLoaded(TPAdInfo tpAdInfo) {
// After receiving the successful loading callback
boolean ready = tpMediaVideo.isReady();
if (ready) {
// Get the ad cache tpCustomMediaVideoAd
tpCustomMediaVideoAd = tpMediaVideo.getVideoAd();
// Get the TPAdVideoPlayer used by the current cache object
Object tpAdVideoPlayerObj = tpCustomMediaVideoAd.getTPAdVideoPlayer();
TPVideoAdPlayer tpAdVideoPlayer = null;
if (tpAdVideoPlayerObj instanceof TPVideoAdPlayer) {
tpAdVideoPlayer = (TPVideoAdPlayer)tpAdVideoPlayerObj;

// Get the ad display container of the current cache object
Object adDisplayContainerObj = tpCustomMediaVideoAd.getAdDisplayContainer();
if (adDisplayContainerObj instanceof AdDisplayContainer) {
// Google IMA Vast
AdDisplayContainer adDisplayContainer = (AdDisplayContainer) adDisplayContainerObj;
if (adDisplayContainer != null) {
ViewGroup adContainer = adDisplayContainer.getAdContainer();
if (adContainer != null) {
if (videoView.getParent() != null) {
((ViewGroup) videoView.getParent()).removeView(videoView);
// Display through the ad cache object start()
}else if (adDisplayContainerObj instanceof FrameLayout) {
// TP Exchange
FrameLayout adContainer = (FrameLayout) adDisplayContainerObj;
if (adContainer != null) {
if (videoView.getParent() != null) {
((ViewGroup) videoView.getParent()).removeView(videoView);
// Display through the ad cache object start()

4、VMAP Ads

  • The container for displaying ads needs to be passed in when loading.
  • ContentProgressProvider needs to be passed in before requesting advertisements
  • Set up setIMAEventListener to monitor. Developers need to monitor the AD_BREAK_READY callback to control the playback timing.
  • For specific implementation, please refer to the code example in Demo VideoPlayerController
  • When creating an advertising slot, you need to select the VMAP protocol type, as shown in the figure:

Request an Ad

private RelativeLayout mContainer;
private VideoAdPlayerAdapter newVideoAdPlayerAdpter;
private TPMediaVideo tpMediaVideo;
private ContentProgressProvider contentProgressProvider;


tpMediaVideo = new TPMediaVideo(context,"adUnitId created on the TP platform");
tpMediaVideo.setAdListener(new MediaVideoAdListener());
// It is recommended that the container use RelativeLayout to center the advertising videoview.
adContainer = new RelativeLayout(context);

AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) MediaVideoActiviy.this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
VideoView videoView = new VideoView(MediaVideoActiviy.this);
newVideoAdPlayerAdpter = new VideoAdPlayerAdapter(videoView, audioManager, true);

// SDK implements the ContentProgressProvider interface for checking content progress
Map<String, Object> mLocalExtras = new HashMap<>();
mLocalExtras.put("ima_content_provider", contentProgressProvider);

// Container and NewVideoAdPlayerAdapter are required parameters

Play an ad

  • V10.5.0.1 adds new callback monitoring, used when VMAP (multiple posts)
// Set up monitoring through the TpMediaVideo object, and you can get all the AdEvent events in the callback
tpMediaVideo.setIMAEventListener(new TPMediaVideoAdapter.OnIMAEventListener() {
public void onEvent(Object o) {
AdEvent adEvent = (AdEvent)o;
switch (adEvent.getType()) {
// VMAP ads are loaded successfully, developers need to control the timing of calling playback by themselves
// Get the ad cache tpCustomMediaVideoAd and display it through the ad cache object start()
boolean ready = tpMediaVideo.isReady();
if (ready) {
tpCustomMediaVideoAd = tpMediaVideo.getVideoAd();

if (tpCustomMediaVideoAd != null) {