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What's the Mediation?#

  • The Mediation is for managing the Ad Source Priority.

  • There are Manual, Auto Optimized and Low Priority on TradPlus platform. The priority is Manual> Auto Optimized> Low Priority.

  • Usually we suggest add ad sources with targeted eCPM in the Manual, ad sources without targeted eCPM in the Auto Optimized, and less important ad sources in the Low Priority.

  • The priority of ad sources in Auto Optimized is based on the Forecast eCPM. The Forecast eCPM is based on the historical data and TradPlus algorithm.

How to optimize eCPM via Mediation?#

There are more than 20 rules for Mediation group.

Take Countries/Regions group for example, if eCPM of some countries isn't consistent with that in the Default group, you may add a new group targeting these countries and ajust the priority of the ad sources.

Why are there some underlined data?#

Some ad networks do not share ad requests and ad- fills. TradPlus platform will show the event-tracking data of these with underlines.

How to set an A/B test?#

1, Click the A/B Test.


2, Distribute the traffic for A/B group.


3, Add new ad source IDs for the B group.


*When adding the ad source IDs for B group, please don't add the IDs from A group.