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The Funnel Report

The Value of Funnel Report#

The revenue of ad monetization is affected by many factors, such as ad loading time, waterfall configuration, number of caches, and ad scene design. The problem that developers often face is that they don’t know where the revenue is lost and whether there is room for revenue growth.

The traditional optimization method can only locate the problem through A/B test. The testing cycle is long, the operation is complicated, and the cost of operating is high. The funnel report is like a detailed "physical examination report", which can help developers see through every step of ad monetization and quickly find and locate problems.

Description of Key Indicators#

The following picture is the TradPlus funnel model. Based on the sequence of "App Requests - Reach Ad Scene - Ad IMP - Ad Click", it fully presents the entire process of ad monetization, and calculates key indicators to help developers quickly locate revenue loss.

As shown in the funnel model above, a user goes through multiple steps from launching an app to finally clicking an ad. Let's take a look at what each indicator means:

Ad RequestLaunch AppThe App initialize TradPlus SDK
Request ConfigTradPlus SDK request config from TradPlus server
App RequestsAPP send a successful request to TradPlus SDK
App FillsAfter the app makes an ad request to TradPlus SDK, TradPlus SDK successfully fills the ad
App Fill RateApp Fills / App Requests * 100%
App Fill TimeAverage time from App request to successful filling
Reach ScenesReach Ad SceneThe App calls TradPlus's entryAdScenario method
Ad Scene Reach RateReach Ad Scenes / Launch Apps
Ad Ready RateThe ratio of the ad being Ready when user reach the ad scene
Call isReadyThe App calls TradPlus's isReady method
Calling Ready RateThe ratio of ad being Ready when the App calls TradPlus's isReady method
Ad IMPCall ShowThe App calls TradPlus's Show method (Banner ads trigger TradPlus's loaded)
Call Show RateCall Show / Reach Ad Scene * 100%
IMP(TP)Number of impressions calculated by TradPlus SDK
Effective IMPsImpression callbacks from Ad Network. (Note: For banner or native, some Network SDKs do not return impression callback.Some ad networks do not provide impression callback of Banner or Native)
Show Success RateShow / Call Show
Ad ClickClicksNumber of clicks calculated by TradPlus SDK. (Note: Some ad networks do not provide click callback, thus Clicks(TP) will be less than Clicks)

Operation Method Based on Funnel Report#

Revenue = IMP * eCPM / 1000, if you want to maximize the revenue, you not only need to improve eCPM by optimizing waterfall flow, but also need to use funnel model to maximize IMP per users.

For information on how to improve eCPM, please refer to the document "Data Optimization". This article mainly explains how to analyze the funnel report to maximize the number of impressions.

The picture above is the funnel model displayed in the TradPlus platform. We can see that a user goes through several steps from launching the app to finally clicking on the ad. We can focus on the following indicators to analyze the funnel model.

Launch App/ Request Config:

Key Indicators: The number of times the app is launched per user. When the data fluctuates, first check whether this point has changed. The number of app launched per user is mainly affected by the product itself and the quality of users.

App Requests:

Key Indicators: App Fill Rate. If the App Fill Rate is low, you should check the settings of the bottom ad source of waterfall. Do not set the floor price of the bottom ad source. It is better to set 2 ad source withpout floor price.

Reach Scenes:

Key Indicators:

1、Ad Scene Reach Rate(Reach Ad Scenes / Launch Apps)

Ad Scene Reach Rate reflects the attractiveness of the ad scene to users. The ad scene of each app are different, and the corresponding values are also quite different.

If the developer want to improve this indicator, developer can design the entrance of the ad scene to be more conspicuous. Then compare the daily data fluctuations to analyze the effect.

When the user arrives at the ad scene, the app needs to report it to TradPlus. We recommend that the reporting time should be when the user arrives at the interface where the ad scene is located.

2、Ad Ready Rate(The ratio of the ad being Ready when user reach the ad scene)

If the Ad Ready Rate is relatively high (over 90%), you can skip it and go to the next indicator.

If the advertising ready rate is relatively low, it should be analyzed together with the App Fill Rate(App Fills / App Requests * 100%).

If the App fill rate is high, but the Ad Ready rate is low, it means that the ad has not yet returned to fill when the user reaches the ad scene. There are generally three reasons:

  • The timing of ad request is too late -Initializing the ad unit and requesting the ad in advance
  • Ads return too slow --- Locate which ad source cause the problem, and lower the priority depending on its revenue
  • The scene is too advanced---adjust the timing of the ad scene

3、Call Show Rate(Call Show / Reach Ad Scene * 100%)

If it is rewarded video, the Call Show Rate will reflect the degree of attraction of the reward to the user. If the Call Show Rate is too low, increasing the value of the reward is the most effective way, but develper should also pay attention to its impact on in-app purchases.

If it is interstitial/native/banner, the Call Show Rate is reasonable to reach 100% because those ad type are automatically triggered by the app.


Key Indicators: Show Success Rate (Show / Call Show)

That is, the ratio of ad successful show after the app calls the ad show method. If it is rewarded video, it can be understood as the ratio of ads successful show after user click the watch ad button. This indicator must be close to 100% to be considered reasonable, otherwise the ad loading mechanism is unreasonable.