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  • Do not execute the ad loading method in the onAdLoadFailed callback, otherwise it will cause an infinite loop.
  • Developers can refer to the splash.dart integration in the Demo

Integration steps

1、Request Ads

Map customMap = {};
Map extraMap = TPSplashManager.createSplashExtraMap(customMap: customMap);
TPSplashManager.loadSplashAd("your unitId", extraMap: extraMap);

Parameter Description

unitId:The unitId created in the TradPlus backend
  • Developers must fill in the information correctly. For example, if there are spaces before and after the unitId setting, the ad request will fail because the configuration cannot be pulled.
extraMap:Additional parameters
  • customMap:Set Traffic Grouping Related attribute parameters
  • localParams:Set local parameters. Parameters that need to be set for individual advertising platforms.

2、Check if ads are available

  • Developers call this method after listening to the onAdLoaded callback.
  • It is recommended that developers call this API to determine whether there are available ads before displaying ads, and then call the show method if there are ads.
  • true means there are available ads, false means there are no available ads for the time being
bool isAdReady = TPSplashManager.splashAdReady("unitId");

3、Enter the Ad scene

TPSplashManager.entrySplashAdScenario("unitId", sceneId: "sceneId");

Parameter Description

sceneId :ad scene ID
  • Developers can create it in the TradPlus backend at the following location: Application Management - ad Scene.
  • For details on how to call, please refer to Description of the timing and purpose of calling advertising scenes
  • When entering the advertising scene, pass in the sceneId. When displaying the advertisement, you also need to pass in the sceneId, otherwise it will affect the statistics.

4、Display ads

Flutter plugin version v1.0.4+, iOS v8.5.0+, Android v8.8.0.1+

Splash screen ads support mixed use of native ads, and developers can pass in custom native template names through optional parameters.

  • Android
//layoutName Optional parameters (v1.0.4+)
return TPSplashViewWidget(unitId,layoutName:"layoutName");
  • iOS
//Pass in sceneId when displaying ads(v1.1.3+)
TPSplashManager.showSplashAd(unitId,sceneId: "splash_sceneId");
//className Optional parameters (v1.0.4+)
TPSplashManager.showSplashAd(unitId,className: "className",sceneId: "splash_sceneId");

5、Listening callback

Parameter Description

Basic callback

addListener() {
listener = TPSplashAdListener(
// Ad loading successful
// V1.1.2 callback mechanism optimization, developers will call load once to get a
onAdLoaded: (adUnitId, adInfo) {
// Ad loading failed
onAdLoadFailed: (adUnitId, error) {
// Ad display
onAdImpression: (adUnitId, adInfo) {
// Ad display failed
onAdShowFailed: (adUnitId, adInfo, error) {
//Ad clicked
onAdClicked: (adUnitId, adInfo) {
//Ad closed
onAdClosed: (adUnitId, adInfo) {
// Ad source loading failed
oneLayerLoadFailed: (adUnitId, adInfo, error) {


other callback(optional)

onAdStartLoad: (adUnitId, adInfo) {
// The callback returned each time the load method is called
onBiddingStart: (adUnitId, adInfo) {
// Bidding starts loading
onBiddingEnd: (adUnitId, adInfo, error) {
// Bidding loading is finished
// Configure bidding ad source to listen
// During testing, get the reason why bidding loading failed through error
oneLayerStartLoad: (adUnitId, adInfo) {
//Callback triggered before each layer of waterfall initiates a request to the third-party advertising source
oneLayerLoaded: (adUnitId, adInfo) {
// Configure multiple ad sources in the background, and each ad source will be called back once after loading successfully
onAdAllLoaded: (adUnitId, isSuccess) {
// Status of the ad slot
// isSuccess returns true, indicating that an ad source has been successfully loaded for this request
// isSuccess returns false, indicating that all ad sources under the ad slot adUnitId have failed to load for this request
onAdIsLoading: (adUnitId) {
// New in V1.0.5
// If this callback is received after calling load, it means that the ad slot is still in the loading state and cannot trigger a new round of ad loading.
onZoomOutStart: (String adUnitId, Map adInfo)
//Show the finishing touch

onZoomOutEnd: (String adUnitId, Map adInfo)
//close the finishing touch

onSkip: (String adUnitId, Map adInfo)


Download Kuaishou, ByteDance support (optional) (only supported by Android)

onDownloadStart: (adUnitId, totalBytes, currBytes, fileName, appName) {
// Start download callback
// totalBytes: total file size (unit: bytes)
// currBytes: currently downloaded size (unit: bytes)
// fileName: file name
// appName: application name corresponding to the file
onDownloadUpdate: (adUnitId, totalBytes, currBytes, fileName, appName, progress) {
// Download progress update callback
// progress: download progress
onDownloadPause: (adUnitId, totalBytes, currBytes, fileName, appName) {
// Pause download callback
onDownloadFinish: (adUnitId, totalBytes, currBytes, fileName, appName) {
// Download completed callback
onDownloadFail: (adUnitId, totalBytes, currBytes, fileName, appName) {
// Download failed callback
onInstall: (adUnitId, totalBytes, currBytes, fileName, appName) {
//Apk installation completed callback