iOS Xcode project integration process
一、Download SDK
Enter the TradPlusSDK download platform,select non-cocoapod access, select the required third-party advertising platform according to your needs, click Generate access code, and download the zip package containing TPSDK and third-party sources.
二、Add the downloaded SDK to your Xcode project
Exporting an iOS Xcode project from a Unity project
Add the TradPlusFrameworks in the unzipped zip package to the Xcode project
Note: Check Copy itmes if needed when copying.
2019 and above versions are added to UnityFormwork
三、Project Configuration
to "Other Linker Flags" of UnityFramework. Specific location: Xcode project configuration "TARGETS" > "Build Setting" > "Linking" > "Other Linker Flags" -
Add system dependency libraries in "Framework and Libraries" in "TARGETS" > "General" of UnityFramework
Commonly used system dependency libraries, added according to third-party source requirements
- libz.tbd
- libbz2.tbd
- libxml2.tbd
- libresolv.9.tbd
- libc++.tbd
- libc++abi.tbd
- Accelerate.framework
- CoreImage.framework
- CoreLocation.framework
- AppTrackingTransparency.framework
- EventKit.framework
- EventKitUI.framework
- NetworkExtension.framework (
- DeviceCheck.framework (v4.7.1.1+ pangleCN)
- CoreML.framework(v6.3.0.6+ pangleCN)
If you use the following platform frameworks, you need to set them to Embed & Sign in "Framework and Libraries" in "TARGETS" > "General".
- SuperAwesome: Alamofire.framework , Moya.framework , SuperAwesome.framework , SwiftyXMLParser.framework (Before v8.6.0)
- Smaato: OMSDK_Smaato.framework
- 快手: KSAdSDK.framework
- Mate: FBAudienceNetwork.framework (v6.10.0-v6.14.0)
- Verve: OMSDK_Pubnativenet.framework , HyBid.framework
- Ogury: OMSDK_Ogury.framework
- Bigo: OMSDK_Bigosg.framework(Before v4.1.1)
- Fyber:IASDKCore.framework (v8.2.1+)
- StartApp.framework (v4.9.1)
- Tapjoy: Tapjoy.framework (v13.3.0+)
- AppLovin: AppLovinSDK.framework(v12.4.1+)
- InMobi: InMobiSDK.framework(v10.7.2+)
Issues with integrating third-party dynamic libraries in 2019 and above versions
In versions 2019 and above, directly adding a dynamic library to UnityFramework will result in an error that the dynamic library cannot be found when the App starts.
The following steps are required for configuration processing
- First remove these dynamic libraries from "Framework and Libraries" in "TARGETS" > "General" of UnityFramework
As shown in the figure, there are two dynamic libraries, FBAudienceNetwork.framework and KSAdSDK.framework, that need to be removed
- Then manually add the dynamic library to "Framework and Libraries" in "TARGETS" > "General" of Unity-iPhone and confirm whether it is in the Embed & Sign state. (You can drag and drop to add)
- Finally, add the framework reference in UnityFramework's "Build Setting" > "Linking" > "Other Linker Flags"
The general format is: -framework framework name For example: -framework FBAudienceNetwork