常见问题 | 解决方案 |
Code=1000 “Network Error" | Error 1000 - Network Error。Audience Network SDK 无法访问 facebook.com (http://facebook.com/) 应用应尝试再次发出请求,直到可以访问网络。我们建议持续发出请求,直到重新建立连接或声明超时。 |
Code=1001 “No Fill” | Error 1001 - No Fill。可能是由多种原因造成,包括: 用户未在移动设备上登录原生 Facebook 应用 您已通过 setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled 标记通知 Facebook 不要通过 Audience Network 投放个性化广告。 此用户未允许 Facebook 使用其活动(即其他应 用和网站发送给 Facebook 的活动)来个性化由 Facebook 向其投放的广告。 当前用户有可填充此请求的广告库存。 测试设备必须安装原生 Facebook 应用。 应用应在 30 秒后尝试再次发出请求。 |
Code=1002 “Load Too Frequently” | 广告请求由以下要素组成: 设备编号 版位编号 展示格式(横幅、插屏、原生) 应用应在 30 分钟后尝试再次发出请求。我们还建议调整刷新率或请求率。 |
Code=1011 “Display Format Mismatch” | Error 1011 - Display Format Mismatch 的原因如下: 广告请求中的展示格式与为此版位指定的展示格式不一致。 每个版位只能使用一种展示格式。 您可以创建多个版位来使用不同的展示格式。 |
Code=1012 | 新应用不再支持广告请求中的 SDK 版本。请升级至其中一个最新版的 SDK。 |
Code=1203 “Not An App Admin, Developer or Tester” | 捆绑包的初始请求必须来自应用的管理员、开发者或测试者。 详情请参阅 Audience Network 请求调试器工具。 |
Code=2000 “Server Error" | Error 2000 - Server Error。可能是出于以下原因: 版位编号无效 — 每个版位和类型都有唯一的编号 SDK 版本不受支持或已过期 — 如果使用 CocoaPods,请下载最新版本,或更新 Pod 对 loadAd 方法的调用/使用不当。建议您在 loadAd 及任何关联的方法/回调上放置断点 应用应在 30 秒后尝试再次发出请求。 |
Code=2001 “Internal Error” | Error 2001 - Internal Error。Audience Network SDK 无法处理来自 facebook.com 的响应 应用应在 30 秒后尝试再次发出请求。 如果问题持续出现,请向我们提交漏洞报告。 |
Loss Reason | Description | ORTB v2.5 Loss Code |
无效的竞价响应 | 竞价无效(但响应准时,并非无竞价,并且足以有效提取 nurl) | 3 |
竞价超时 * | 已收到竞价响应,但远远晚于竞拍截止时间 | 2 |
无竞价 | 无竞价表示为 HTTP 204(即不存在可调用的 nurl),但您可以将我们的响应解释为无竞价(很可能是集成问题)。您还可以请求为某些展示竞价,如此我们便会为部分展示竞价,而非全部。 | 9 |
不是出价最高的 RTB 竞价者 | 另一位竞价者击败我们,包括合成竞价(例如非 RTB 交易)(如果他们进入同一竞拍)。 | 102 |
库存未能实现 | 我们的竞价赢得竞拍,但展示却未能实现(例如页面不够长而无法包含此版位,或者用户在我们使用缓存广告之前退出了应用)。并非所有合作伙伴都会提供此代码(这是非事件),若未提供,我们会将其推断出来。 | 4902 |
发送给广告服务器 | 如果决策流程中最后的接触点将高竞价发送给广告服务器,则发送此信息。展示仍会由于缺失行项目、广告服务器拒绝竞拍或库存未能实现而丢失。 | 4900 |
广告服务器未选择 RTB 得标者 | 我们赢得了 RTB 竞拍,但广告服务器拒绝了此竞拍(例如直接)。 | 4903 |
得标 | 我们赢得了完整的 决策树,而且标签已置于页面(网页)或广告对象已缓存(应用)。系统可能仍然不会产生可查看的展示。 | 0 |
Error Code | Description |
Error Code 0 : ERROR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR | This indicates that something happened internally; for instance, an invalid response was received from the ad server. Newly created Ad Units can take upto 2 hours to become active (SpinUp Time). Any Ad requests from newly created Ad Units would also receive Error Code 0 in response to Ad requests until they are ready to serve live ads. What to do? Test Ads!! |
Error Code 1 : ERROR_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST | The ad request was invalid; for instance, the ad unit ID was incorrect. This commonly suggests that the Ad Request implementation is not as per the SDK’s requirements - Resources like the sample codes and sample apps provided in the developer documentation can help in implementing the functions correctly. |
Error Code 2 : ERROR_CODE_NETWORK_ERROR | The ad request was unsuccessful due to network connectivity. This could be due to a user’s phone switching networks or network disturbances distorting the communication between the app and the Ad Server. Some Telecom providers may also limit specific traffic due to policy, which can also lead to such an error. |
Error Code 3 : ERROR_CODE_NO_FILL | Description (Dev Docs Link) : The ad request was successful, but no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory. Why is it Happening : Advertisers can target specific regions, platforms and user profiles based on business relevance, which can sometimes result in lower availability of Ads for a particular region or user profile. Error code suggests that the implementation is correct, and that the Ad Request was not filled because of lack of availability of a suitable Ad at that particular instant of time when an Ad Request was sent from the app. Policy related restrictions on certain Apps or Ad Units will also lead to Error Code 3 being returned in response to Ad Requests. |
状态码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
-1 | EXCEPTION_RETURN_EMPTY | 没有广告填充,可能导致的原因:1.您在测试期间所获取的广告均为Mintegral的正式广告,因此会受到算法智能优化的影响,若一段时间内大量加载和展示广告,可能导致一段时间后没有广告填充的现象。 |
-10 | EXCEPTION_SIGN_ERROR | appID和appKey不匹配,解决方案:检查APPkey和APPID是否填写正确,APPkey可以在应用设置(APP Setting)模块顶部获取 |
-1201 | EXCEPTION_UNIT_NOT_FOUND | 该unitID不存在/填写错误 |
-1202 | EXCEPTION_UNIT_ID_EMPTY | unitID 没传 |
-1203 | EXCEPTION_UNIT_NOT_FOUND_IN_APP | 在该appID和unitID不匹配 |
-1205 | EXCEPTION_UNIT_ADTYPE_ERROR | 传入的unitID广告类型不符 |
-1208 | EXCEPTION_UNIT_BIDDING_TYPE_ERROR | UnitID竞价模式和请求API不匹配,UnitID竞价模式一旦创建不可更改,需要重新创建新的UnitID |
-1301 | EXCEPTION_APP_ID_EMPTY | appID没有传入 |
-1302 | EXCEPTION_APP_NOT_FOUND | 该appID不存在/填写错误 |
-1904 | EXCEPTION_IV_RECALLNET_INVALIDATE | 请求时的网络状态不对,一般是SDK初始化还未完成就去请求导致的 |
code | Description |
200 | bid success |
10101 | http extract filter param is not http.Request" |
10102 | S2S bid request data empty |
10103 | Render Common Data error |
10201 | req_param_filter input error |
10202 | render bid request data error |
10203 | Bid Request unit InValidate |
10204 | Bid Request App InValidate |
10205 | Bid Request Imp Is Empty |
10206 | Buyeruid is Empty |
(1)广告主的需求可能对于您所在的国家/地理位置和应用类别不够强烈,因此没有可以提供给您的广告。如果出现这种情况,您可以通过在AppLovin后台的Manage Apps(管理应用程序)部分,将应用程序的Test Toggle(测试切换)设置为开启来获取广告。请注意,启用测试模式可能需要长达1小时才能生效,并持续2小时。
常见问题 | 解决方案 |
204 | 通过Applovin后台开启测试模式进行测试 |
错误码 | 说明 | 排查方向 |
20001 | 没有合适的广告返回而导致的请求没有填充,偶现属于正常情况 | ["reason": 106]该代码位设置了底价,此次出价未过底价。建议:请适当地调整底价设置 ["reason": 112]该代码位请求量过大且产生的收入过低,因此填充率被限制。建议:需根据代码位的广 告数据分析流量较大但收益低的具体原因,建议关注展示率、转化率、用户留存等数据,提高代码位收益和请求量级比。 ["reason": 209]请求频率过高。建议:避免同一设备在一段时间内高频拉取广告。 ["reason": 210]因屏蔽过多或者屏蔽策略调整导致,一般在调整屏蔽策略后出现。建议:屏蔽策略调整后短时间内出现为正常情况,若出现此问题的概率较大且持续时间较长请联系对应的支持人员或通过工单进行反馈。 ["reason": 218]海外用户的广告请求,根据合规要求不可返回广告。 建议:请过滤非中国内地的请求。如在开发测试阶段,可检查是否有连接代理等情况 ["reason": 228]没有合适的广告返回。 建议:可以在穿山甲媒体平台上对设备进行自助加白解决,路径“广告变现”->“辅助工具”->“新建测试信息”填写相关信息,详细操作可参考:https://www.csjplatform.com/supportcenter/26570,加白生效时间30分钟左右 ["reason": 234]聚合属性代码位使用在非聚合。 建议:选择"用于GroMore"的代码位只能在GroMore SDK中使用。 |
40004 | 代码位不能为空 | 检查设置的代码位位ID是否为空 |
40005 | 代码位请求尺寸不能为空 | 请检查设置广告请求的尺寸是否正确 |
40006 | 代码位ID不合法 | 代码位ID长度不对,或者传了空字符串。注:如新创建的代码位或编辑代码位的操作需要15分钟左右的生效时间 |
40007 | 广告数量错误 | 检查设置的广告请求条数 |
40008 | 图片尺寸错误 | 检查传入的请求广告尺寸 |
40009 | 媒体ID不合法 | 检查设置的应用ID |
- 香港网络被视为国内流量,不要用来测试Pangle;
- Pangle建议使用日韩网络进行测试
Error code | Instructions | Investigation hint |
10000 | Please exec TTAdSdk.init before loading the ad | Initialize the SDK and then initiate an ad request |
10002 | oad time out | The ad object is not returned within the specified time. We do not recommend initiating the request again. |
10003 | resource error | Resource loading failed due to network and other reasons. |
20001 | No fill | |
40001 | BadRequest: HTTP request pb error | Indicates that some necessary parameters have invalid values. Please check the integration guideline on the Pangle platform |
40004 | BadRequest: Empty Slot ID | Indicates that the slotID is null |
40005 | BadRequest: Invalid Ad Size | Indicates that the AdSize is missing or an unsupported size is passed. |
40006 | Invalid Slot ID | Indicates that the length of the slot ID is incorrect, or an empty string is passed. |
40007 | BadRequest: Ad counts error | Indicates that the Ad counts is invalid |
40008 | BadRequest: Image size error | Indicates that the image size is not supported. |
40009 | Invalid App ID | Indicates that the app id is invalid or app id is missing |
Value | Description |
3 | Invalid Bid Response |
5 | Invalid Auction ID |
100 | Bid was Below Auction Floor |
102 | Lost to a Higher Bid |
104 | Buyer Seat Blocked |
204 | Creative Filtered - Incorrect Creative Format |
1021 | Invalid Targeting Package Deal ID |
错误码 | 错误信息 | 排查建议 |
3001 | 网络错误 | 请检查手机网络后再次发起广告请求 |
3003 | 网络不可用,无法连接到服务器 | 检查网络状态并重试 |
4001 | 初始化错误, 包括广告位为空、AppKey为空、ViewController为空 | |
4003 | 广告位错误 | 请根据错误信息提示修改嵌入代码 |
4006 | 广告未曝光 | 请根据错误信息提示修改嵌入代码 |
4007 | 当前广告形态不支持模拟器,或开屏不支持iPad | 建议使用真机、手机进行测试,如在进行通路测试或者仍未解决,请至反馈中心提交工单联系技术支持处理 |
4008 | 设备方向不适合展示广告 | 请根据错误信息提示修改嵌入代码 |
4010 | 开屏的bottomView高度超过了屏幕高度的25% | 可以参考优量汇demo代码进行修改和调试 |
4011 | 由于网络环境不佳或连有连接代理,导致开屏广告拉取超过设置时间 | 请保障网络畅通,并根据错误信息提示修改嵌入代码;在开屏广告下,可以通过fetchDelay设置超时时间为5s或者其他时间 |
4013 | 系统版本或SDK版本不支持此广告位 | 建议使用iOS10以上系统同时可以将优量汇SDK版本至最新 |
4014 | 广告未成功返回或广告无效时,启动了广告展示 | 请在广告返回后再进行展示广告的操作。具体方法为,请在show之前,使用isValid判断广告是否有效,当结果为true时再去调用show方法 |
4015 | 广告已经曝光过,不允许二次展示,请重新拉取 | 请重新拉取广告后再进行展示 |
4016 | 应用横竖方向与广告位支持方向不匹配 | 开发自查应用横竖屏状态与广告位支持方向是否匹配 |
更多的Tencent Ads的错误信息请查看:Tencent Ads错误码
错误码 | 报错原 因 | 排查建议 |
106001 | 广告位不存在 | 请检查广告位ID是否正确 |
107000 | 广告位信息为空 | 请检查广告位ID是否正确 |
132000 | 非server bidding请求,与广告位标签不匹配 | 请至开发者平台,检查广告位下的价格策略是否已经开启实时竞价策略 |
132005 | Server bidding请求,缺少token信息 | 请补充随价格返回的token信息 |
132007 | Server bidding请求回包为空 | 请检查随价格返回的token是否过期(token有效期为90s) |
132008 | server bidding请求广告时,token参数解析失败 | 请使用线上环境请求价格时返回的token参数,而非联调工具中的token参数 |
Error | Description |
Internal | Multiple possible causes. Send your logs (with breakpoint where error occurs) to our support team for assistance. |
InternetUnavailable | Fires when there is no internet connection on the test device. Troubleshoot possible device network connection issues. |
NetworkFailure | Fires when a network request fails for any reason. Check your network settings and make sure your device is connected to the internet. If you still experience this error, please send Charles Web Proxy logs of the event to our support team. |
NoAdFound | Fires when our ad server hasn’t found an appropriate ad to deliver to the device. This could be due to location, campaign filters, fill rate, or other factors. Try troubleshooting here ▶ |
SessionNotStarted | A valid Chartboost session has not been detected. Check that your app ID and app signature are correct and that you have properly initialized Chartboost with [Chartboost startWithAppId:appSignature:completion:] |
AssetDownloadFailure | Fires when the download of one of the assets required by an ad fails while caching the ad. |
PublisherDisabled | Fires when your account has been disabled by Chartboost. Contact our support team if you think this is due to some mistake. |
AdAlreadyVisible | Fires if you try to show two full-screen ads at the same time. |
PresentationFailure | Fires if the ad presentation fails for some reason. |
NoCachedAd | Fires if you try to show a non-cached interstitial or rewarded ad. |
常见问题 | 解决方案 |
获取不到广告 | 通过Tapjoy后台添加测试设备进行测试 |
Error Codes | Ad Unit | Description |
508 | N/A | • Init failure of the mediation/Network • Calling a Demand Only API in non Demand Only mode • Calling a non Demand Only API in Demand Only mode |
509 | Interstitial/Rewarded Video | Show Fail: No ads to show |
510 | Interstitial | Load Fail: Server response failed Load Fail: Adapters loading failure |
520 | Interstitial/Rewarded Video | Show Fail: No internet connection; ShouldTrackNetworkState is enabled Show Fail: No internet connection |
524 | Interstitial/Rewarded Video | Show Fail: Placement %@ has reached its limit as defined per pace Show Fail: Placement %@ has reached its capping limit |
525 | Interstitial/Rewarded Video | Show Fail: Ad-unit has reached its limit as defined per pace Show Fail: Ad-unit has reached its capping limit |
526 | Interstitial/Rewarded Video | Show Fail: Ad unit has reached its daily cap per session |
- UnityAds Initialization Error
Value | Description |
kUnityInitializationErrorInternalError | An error occurred due to the environment or internal services. |
kUnityInitializationErrorInvalidArgument | An error occurred due to invalid arguments in the Initialize method. |
kUnityInitializationErrorAdBlockerDetected | An error occurred due to a URL being blocked. |
- UnityAds Load Error
Value | Description |
kUnityAdsLoadErrorInitializeFailed | The ad failed to load due to the SDK not being initialized. |
kUnityAdsLoadErrorInternal | The ad failed to load due to an internal Unity Ads service error. |
kUnityAdsLoadErrorInvalidArgument | The ad failed to load due to invalid arguments in the load method. |
kUnityAdsLoadErrorNoFill | The ad failed to load because no content was available from the network. |
kUnityAdsLoadErrorTimeout | The ad failed to load within the specified timeframe. |
- UnityAds Show Error
Value | Description |
kUnityShowErrorNotInitialized | The ad failed to show due to the SDK not being initialized. |
kUnityShowErrorNotReady | The ad failed to show because the Ad Unit was not ready. |
kUnityShowErrorVideoPlayerError | The ad failed to show because of a media player error. |
kUnityShowErrorInvalidArgument | The ad failed to show due to invalid arguments in the show method. |
kUnityShowErrorNoConnection | The ad failed to show because of an internet connection error. |
kUnityShowErrorAlreadyShowing | The ad failed to show because an ad was already showing. |
kUnityShowErrorInternalError | The ad failed to show due to an internal Unity Ads service error. |
常见问题 | 解决方案 |
NO_SERVE | 通过Liftoff后台开启测试模式进行测试 |
PLACEMENT_NOT_FOUND | 检查TradPlus后台Liftoff广告源配置是否正常 |
CONFIGURATION_ERROR | 1. 检查网络是否正常 2. 检查TradPlus后台Liftoff广告源配置是否正常 |
UNKNOWN_ERROR | 联系Liftoff相关人员 |
常见问题 | 解决方案 |
onRequestNotFilled | 通过AdColony后台开启测试模式进行测试 |
错误码 | 说明 |
600000 | 请求的广告位id为空,开发者请求时没传入 Sigmob 广告位id |
600001 | 请求的广告数量为空,请求信息流时没有传入广告数量 |
600002 | GDPR 未授权 |
600003 | 广告正在加载中,请稍后再加载 |
600004 | 广告加载过于频繁,请稍后再加载 |
600005 | 广告请求时传入token为空,开发者没有传入 header bidding 的 token |
600006 | 视频播放出错 内部错误,请联系技术支持 |
600008 | 网络请求出现错误,检查网络状态是否正常,Sigmob SDK判断由于网络错误原因造成请求超时 |
6000010 | 广告加载超时,内部错误,请联系技术支持 |
6000012 | 广告信息缺少关键信息 内部错误,请联系技术支持 |
500402 | 暂不支持境外ip请求 Sigmob 暂不支持境外用户请求广告 |
500420 | App被关闭,请前往变现平台开启App开关,前往变现平台–>应用管理开启App |
500422 | 请求由于缺少设备标识符(IMEI/OAID/IDFA)被过滤 请求广告需要App提供用户设备的设备标识符用于归因。获取设备标识符可查看 demo |
500432 | 请求的广告位不存在,或者appid与广告位不匹配。请检查请求参数 |
500433 | 广告单元不存在或者被手动关闭,请检查请求参数 |
代码 | 说明 |
0 | 竞价出价 |
200000 | 无广告返回,放弃竞价 |
500420 | 媒体被关闭请求 |
500422 | 缺少设备必要信息 |
500432 | 未找到对应的Sigmob广告单元信息 |
500435 | 请求的设备操作系统类型与 Sigmob 配置的媒体操作系统类型不匹配 |
500440 | 媒体被 Sigmob 禁用 |
500442 | 请求的媒体包名与 sigmob 配置的媒体包名不一致 |
500473 | 未找到请求对应的媒体信息 |
500484 | 请求广告位被控量,无法发起请求 |
500485 | 设备请求广告位广告频次限制 |
500492 | 对应 Sigmob 广告单元配置缺失 |
500611 | 服务内部错误 |
520000 | 请求参数错误 |
522000 | 未找到缓存广告 |
522003 | 请求广告单元不支持 header bidding |
代码 | 说明 |
YMAAdErrorCodeEmptyAdUnitID | The AdUnitId was omitted when loading the ad. |
YMAAdErrorCodeInvalidUUID | An invalid Application ID was specified. |
YMAAdErrorCodeNoSuchAdUnitID | The AdUnitId specified when loading the ad wasn’t found. |
YMAAdErrorCodeNoFill | The ad is loaded successfully, but there aren’t any available ads to display. |
YMAAdErrorCodeBadServerResponse | Unexpected server response when loading the ad. |
YMAAdErrorCodeAdSizeMismatch | The ad size in the request does not match the ad size specified in the Partner interface for this ad block. |
YMAAdErrorCodeAdTypeMismatch | The ad type in the request does not match the ad type specified in the Partner interface for this ad block. |
代码 | 说明 |
NoAdFound | The SDK did not fill the ad. |
NoNetwork | No Network was detected. |
NoBidReturned | No bid was received from the server. |
NoBidPayload | Bid was received, but had no content. |
BidPayloadNotValid | The received bid had invalid content. |
OtherBidFailure | Bid returned was invalid. |
ServerError | The SDK received an error from the server. |
InvalidCredentials | Invalid credentials were used. |
InvalidConfig | The configuration was invalid. |
InternalError | An Internal SDK error occurred. |
常见问题 | 解决方案 |
40003 - 广告数据为空 | 必现时,联系快手相关人员 |
310002 - appId无效 | 检查TradPlus后台快手广告源配置是否正常 |
310004 - packageName与注册的packageName不一致 | 代码中配置的包名与快手后台的不一致 |
330002 - posId无效 | 检查TradPlus后台快手广告源配置是否正常 |
330004 - posId与注册的appId信息不一致 | 检查TradPlus后台快手广告源配置是否正常 |
错误码 | 说明 |
1000 - ERROR_CODE_UNINITIALIZED | 表示广告发起请求时广告 SDK 未完成初始化。请确保发起广告请求之前完成广告 SDK 的初始化。 |
1001 - ERROR_CODE_INVALID_REQUEST | 表示此次广告请求是无效的,请检查您的 App Id 或者 Slot Id 是否有正确传入,对于横幅类型广告,请确保传入了至少一个 AdSize。 |
1002 - ERROR_CODE_AD_DISABLE | 表示当前广告 Slot Id 不可用,这通常是在 Bigo Ads 平台 配置了关闭此广告位置所致。 |
1003 - ERROR_CODE_NETWORK_ERROR | 广告请求过程中发生了网络异常,请确保当前设备的网络连接是畅通的。 |
1004 - ERROR_CODE_NO_FILL | 这代表着广告请求是成功的,但广告没有填充返回。如果您使用的是正式的 Slot Id,我们将无法手动填充此 Slot Id 的填充率,建议您 在前期验证过程中使用测试广告。 |
1005 - ERROR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR | 表示发生了一些内部错误,可能是广告服务器接受到了一个无效的请求或者是处理请求的过程中发生了不可知的异常。 |
1006 - ERROR_CODE_ASSETS_ERROR | 这表示广告素材资源出现了缺失或者下载的过程中发生了异常的情况。 |
错误码 | 说明 |
kIMAError_VAST_MALFORMED_RESPONSE | The ad response was not recognized as a valid VAST ad. |
kIMAError_VAST_TRAFFICKING_ERROR | Trafficking error. Video player received an ad type that it was not expecting and/or cannot display. |
kIMAError_VIDEO_PLAY_ERROR | There was an error playing the video ad. |
kIMAError_VAST_MEDIA_LOAD_TIMEOUT | Failed to load media assets from a VAST response. The default timeout for media loading is 8 seconds. |
kIMAError_UNKNOWN_ERROR | An unexpected error occurred and the cause is not known. Refer to the inner error for more information. |
kIMAError_FAILED_LOADING_AD | There was an error loading the ad. |
kIMAError_STREAM_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | There was an error initializing the stream. |
kIMAError_INVALID_ARGUMENTS | Invalid arguments were provided to SDK methods. |
错误码 | 说明 | 排查方向 |
9999 | 广告请求超时 | 检查当前设备网络是否可用 |
1 | 未知错误 | 联系开发者 |
10001 | 配置文件错误 | 首次出现,重新启动App,多次出现删除App在重新下载APP重复操作,不能解决,联系开发者 |
10100 | 未发现此广告位 | 检查设置的应用ID |
10110 | 广告类型不匹配 | 广告ID与类型不匹配,检查使用应用ID |
10120 | 广告请求时间过短 | 广告请求时间过短,检查传入的超时时长,单位毫秒 |
10130 | 内部错误 | 联系开发者 |
10131 | 内部错误 | 联系开发者 |
10132 | 内部错误 | 联系开发者 |
10150 | 没有广告位信息 | 检查设置的应用ID |
10151 | 没有渠道SDK | 检查是否导入渠道SDK |
10160 | 渠道未知错误 | 联系开发者 |
错误码 | 说明 |
SampleErrorCodeBadRequest | Bad request. |
SampleErrorCodeUnknown | Unknown error. |
SampleErrorCodeNetworkError | Network error. |
SampleErrorCodeNoInventory | No inventory. |