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User level impression revenue

Step 1.Prerequisite

  • Connect to the SDK according to the integration instructions;
  • Initialize the SDK and integrate a certain type of advertisement.。

Step 2. ROI calculation

Advertising revenue can be obtained through the callback of TradPlus SDK and reported to third-party data platforms. In this way, the purchase volume and realization can be connected, and ROI can be calculated. Called through TPAdInfo in the listening callback:

adInfo[@"country_code"]Country code
adInfo[@"channel_name"]AdNetowrk platform name
adInfo[@"adsource_placement_id"]AdNetowrk slot ID
adInfo[@"load_time"]Loading time
adInfo[@"ecpm"]Get Ecpm
adInfo[@"adunit_id"]Ad Unit

Step 3.Set the global display callback of the application dimension

v8.5.0+ In order to facilitate developers to display data statistics, the SDK provides a global display callback API

#import <TradPlusAds/TradPlus.h>

[TradPlus sharedInstance].impressionDelegate = self;

#pragma mark - TradPlusAdImpressionDelegate
- (void)tradPlusAdImpression:(NSDictionary *)adInfo
CGFloat revenue = [adInfo[@"ecpm"] floatValue]/1000.0;

For more information, developers please refer to the callback information description